Small Dog Houdini Clarke ... I Double Dog Dare YOU!

Houdini Clarke is all about education ... education of us mere humans, that is ... LOL

I Double Dog Dare you to take this quiz …

Warning: This online personality quiz will really open your eyes!

Directions: Answer the following personality quiz questions by comparing yourself today with your dog (or a dog you have known in your past). Where a quiz statement applies to both or neither of you, then, select "Equal."  You will need to print this out and circle your answers

1. Your Dog... You... Equal... joyfully undertake frequent vigorous physical exercise.
2. Your Dog... You... Equal... happily eat the same food day after day.
3. Your Dog... You..... Equal... almost always cheerful, fun-loving, ignoring aches and pains
4. Your Dog... You... Equal... need no medical help (valium, prozac, etc) to relieve stress or tension.
5. Your Dog... You... Equal... seize most every opportunity to enjoy the natural world.
6. Your Dog... You... Equal... can take criticism and blame without resentment.
7. Your Dog... You... Equal... can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him/her.
8. Your Dog... You... Equal... can face the world without any lies and deceit.
9. Your Dog... You... Equal... can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend.
10. Your Dog... You... Equal... can joyfully live without pep pills, cigarettes or liquor.
11. Your Dog... You... Equal... weight in more normal proportion to body.
12. Your Dog... You... Equal... can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles.
13. Your Dog... You... Equal... can understand and accept when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time.
14. Your Dog... You... Equal... have no prejudice or discomfort WHATSOEVER with others' creeds, colors, religions, or beliefs.

SCORING: Add up the number of test questions answered with a Your Dog response and subtract the number of online test questions with a You response. That is your score on this online psychological personality test. The AVERAGE quiz score in the past has been the dog winning by 3-4 questions over the human; only 2% claimed they did better than their dogs while taking this quiz online.

Most who truthfully answer the above will discover that their dog scored somewhat better than they on this personality test. The mildly sneaky intent of this "competition" is to suggest that we all might look to our dogs as BEACONS of mental health with many behaviors and responses to which we could well aspire as our long term health goals. Too often we give ourselves just another set of excuses for our unhappiness and dysfunctional behaviors and fail to realize that we need such long term health goals if ever we are to achieve a measure of happiness and contentment.

Well,  kinda makes you think ....

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