Small Dogs that don't Shed - Yorkies are a lot of FUN!

When you talk about small dogs that don't shed, the Yorkshire Terrier has to be included. These little dynamos weighing in under 7 pounds are quite unaware of their small size and will guard their home enthusiastically.

Small dogs that don't shed can be a lot of FUN! The Yorkshire Terrier in the video is Ivey and she is simply a little love bug! Loving, friendly and a great companion. She has traveled to Europe with her family and is never a problem.

Yorkies do not shed, but they do require grooming and a lot of it if you are going to let their hair grow long..... otherwise, if you keep them cut short just a quick comb every other day should do it.

Caution should be taken if you have very small children as they are very fragile dogs and could be hurt easily .... on the reverse side Yorkies can be a bit nippy with very young kids.

Small dogs that don't shed? Yorkies are a terrific option!

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